Harriton Music Department Virtual Open House
Harriton Music Virtual Open House Announcement "LIVE on ZOOM"
Hey there, 7th and 8th graders! 🎶
Join us on Tuesday, January 14th for a virtual open house hosted by the Harriton High School Music Department! We promise a fun night filled with introductions, a short presentation, and even a video. Plus, there'll be plenty of time for your burning questions!
When? 7:00 PM on Zoom - check the attached flyer for all the login details.
Who can come? Everyone is welcome, but it's especially for 7th and 8th grade Band/Choir/Orchestra Musicians.
We'd love to see your smiling faces there!
Link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 681 682 6864
Passcode: HHS2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 7:00pm – 8:00pm